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Wijckel church 


Family of Ann^5 (Van Wickle) Beach

Ann^5 (Van Wickle) Beach (Evert^4, Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1754, New Brunswick, Somerset County, NJ

Married: Rev. Abraham Beach (b. 1740, Cheshire, CT) abt 1768, NJ

Children: (order uncertain)
1. Abraham^6 Beach, Jr.; b. abt 1766, New Jersey
2. Hannah^6 Beach, b. abt 1769
3. Ann^6 Chandler Beach
4. Maria^6 Beach
5. Cornelia^6 Beach
6. Evart^6 Beach

Ann's parents are Evert and Cornelia (Lupardus) Van Wickle(n)
Abraham's parents are Capt. Elnathan and Hannah (Wooster) Beach

Background information:

Ann^5 Van Wickle (Evert^4, Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 1754, Somerset County, NJ and bap. 27 September 1754, New Brunswick RDC, NJ. She d. 22 January 1803. She m. Rev. Abraham Beach in 1770 when she was 14 years old. (Probably married very young because she was orphaned at a very young age.) Rev. Abraham Beach was b. 29 August 1740 (9 September 
1740 according to tablet in Christ Church, New Brunswick, NJ) and bap. 31 August 1740. He d. 14 September 1828 New Brunswick, NJ. He is the son of Capt. Elnathan and Hannah (Wooster) Beach. (He was sent abroad to be ordained and returned under the auspices of the "Soceity for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts" in Sept. 1767. On July 7, 1784 he became assistant 
in Trinity Church, NY returning later to New Brunswick, where he died in 1828 [New Brunswick History by William H. Benedict, 1925, p. 351-2]). They had six children.

Children: Abraham^6 Beach was b. abt. 1766 and d. 24 May 1854. Married but no descendents. Hannah^6 Beach, b. abt 1769 and d. 1848. She married Rev. Dr. Elijah Rattoone, July 1791, New Brunswick, NJ. Elijah was the son of John and Isabella (Dunbar) Rottoone. Elijah was the Rector of Grace Church, Jamaica, NY 1797-1802; Ann^6 Chandler Beach m. Rev. Dr. Thomas Lyell, D.D. on 15 April 1805. She died 23 December 1821. Thomas Lyell was the rector of Christ's Church, NYC from 1805 to 1848; Cornelia^6 Beach married Isaac Lawrence, 30 December 1799. (Isaac Lawrence and Cornelia Beach's daughter, Julia (who m. Thomas Lawrence Wells) and this branch of the family occupied and continue to occupy the old Van Wickle homestead near New Brunswick, which has been in the family occupancy since 1703 (221 years in 1924). Isaac Lawrence was a prominent NYC merchant and banker. Isaac and Cornelia's son William Beach Lawrence was a prominent author and lawyer and a one-time governor of Rhode Island; Maria^6 Beach married Rev. Abiel Carter, 4 December 1817 and she died 28 October 1827 (She appears to be the youngest daughter based on the marriage records) Both Abiel and Maria died of yellow fever, she in 1827 and he on 1 November 1836. Abiel was the Rector of the Episcopal Church in Savannah. At marriage he was of Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, PA; Evart^6 Beach d. unmarried.

Ann's parents, Evert and Cornilia both died 3 March 1757. He made a will the day before he died, adding a codicil the day of his death. The will names his wife, daughter, his brother and all his sisters. He and Cornelia died in a fire. (Myterious that he made a will one day before he and his wife died in a fire.) They are buried on the farm at Raritan. Their grave, overlooking the Raritan River, is a brick tomb with a brown stone slab inscribed “On the 3d day of March 1757, Evert Van Wickle and Cornelia his wife accompanied each other to the Land of the Spirits. One grave contains their ashes and this stone is erected over it by their only child Ann, then an infant, but now the wife of Abraham Beach, D.D.” As of 1936 the house was still occupied by descendents.

Applcton's Cyclopedia of American Biography 1 [1887]:202-03. (contains information on Abraham Beach, husband of Ann (Van 
Wickle) Beach)

Benedict, William H.; New Brunswick in History, p. 352 for vital stats on Rev. Beech

Email correspondence with Michael^10 Wolfe (13 June 2000)

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 251.

Harry Macy research notes for Ann^5 Van Wickle and Rev. Abraham Beach... 
Rev. Abraham Beach grad. Yale 1757, went abroad 1767 to be ordained and in Sept 1767 SPGFP apptd him to Christ Church 
in New Brunswick (more, not copied; check also Yale grads and Beach genealogies). Later of Trinity Church, NYC--asst rector 
for 30 years.

Cornelia's husband Isaac Lawrence (b. 1768, d. 1841) was a prominent NYC merchant and banker (see Old Merchants 2: esp. 
66-7). Father of author and jurist, William Beach Lawrence--also a one-time governor of Rhode Island.

NY in 1789, pp. 139-40. 1767-76 a missionary in NJ until churches at Piscataway and New Brunswick closed in 1776. Tory in Rev. 1783 at Amboy church, 1784 apptd one of 3 asst ministers of Trinity. Served as Regent of State University, and trustee of Rutger's College, Masonic Grand Chaplain, trustee of Columbia College (D.D. 1789). Became asst rector Trinity 1811 but retired 1813 to a farm near New Brunswick.

PNJHS 54:107-8 - he is said to have been her guardian. they lived at the upper fording place purchased by Evert VW. Gerardus Beekman and Leffert Puteuse in 1703.

Appleton's Cycl of Amer Biog. 1:202-3 Grad. Yale with the honors of valedictory, converted to Church of England, etc., ordained and apptd New Brunswick, 1767. Difficult time in Rev. Asst. min of Trinity 1784-1813, then retired to farm on Raritan. Often delegate to general councils and 3 times President of the House of Lay and Clerical Delegates. An early trustee of Rutgers and (1787) of Columbia College where received honorary D.D. 1789. In 1786 appointed to Regent of SUNY. Only publications were sermons.

Wm H. Benedict, New Brunswick in History, 1925, pp. 264-5. Abraham married his ward Ann Van Wickle when she was 14 years old. Old Van Wickle property desc to his granddaughter Julia Lawrence Wells and in 1924 called Wells farm and still in family.

Martha J. Lamb, History of the City of New York, Vol 3 (1896) pp. 568-9 says Van Winkle...

Rev. Alfred Stubbs, Record of Christ Church, New Brunswick, 1850, p. 29 describes tablet in the church where it says Abraham Beach, DD interrred in church yard - ordained London, 1767, 17 years New Brunswick, 25 years NYC, retired New Brunswick. Gives date of death, also date of birth as 9 September 1740, Cheshire, composed by James A. Hillhouse. Also lists others in family.